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Showing posts from February, 2020

How to Choose Meaningful Life Goals

Achieving goals feels good – it is inherently satisfying to exercise your skills, talents, and abilities to get or accomplish what you desire in your life (Emmons, 1996). In addition, achieving goals that are consistent with your interests and core values, i.e., meaningful goals, enhances feelings of well-being and also satisfies your basic psychological needs of experiencing competence, autonomy, and relatedness (Sheldon & Elliot, 1999). Goal attainment also enhances well-being by positively influencing other facets of your life as described below (Sheldon et al., 2002): Changes in your self-concept (e.g., you view yourself and your capabilities in a totally new way) Changes in life circumstances (e.g., you gain valuable new opportunities or a new intimate relationship) Changes in basic attitudes or philosophies regarding living, which may transform your general mood and well-being Approval from others that enhances your global assessment of yourself So how does one ch...